Monday, September 27, 2010

The Nostalgic Dream Of A Piano

There's not too long ago
You remember the days of the horn, lace?
We got drunk in the pathetic
Those were the days of nostalgic piano

Farewell tunes that we were following week
And knew we rejoice when we lived the worst
But already long since you've been forgotten
You're more of our time, stay in your museums

What are your pianos
That you replaced with music boxes
For pennies that you take two drives in quick succession
Let's hope it plays, we who cares

These are all worn out your pianos that have paralyzed silent
And who are no longer objects of antiquities
Which once delighted the salons
And they were the great kings of the song

But still, we remember you
And it is with regret that we know you dumb
But tonight, I love you
And I want you to sing
You subtract that life
Well your brother's poems

What are your pianos
That you replaced with music boxes
For pennies that you take two drives in quick succession
Let's hope it plays, we who cares

These are all worn out your pianos
Who are silent and paralyzed that are no longer objects of antiquities
Which once delighted the salons
And they were the great kings of the song

Farewell tunes that we were following week
And knew we rejoice when we lived the worst
But already long since you've been forgotten

Yet there is not much time
You remember the days of the horn, lace?
We got drunk in the pathetic
Those were the days of nostalgic piano

Translate from a French poem.

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